South Florida Vanpool

Let's Ride Together

Take Control of Your Ride To Work.

Enterprise has partnered with South Florida Vanpool to bring you a better commute.  Ride in a controlled and contained environment you share with people you already know.

We'll connect you with coworkers living nearby and provide a comfortable late-model
van or SUV for the ride. You'll share the cost of your Commute to save money and get to work on time. It’s an easy way to start and end the day in a better mindset with no more waiting around.

Save Up to 80% on Your Commute

Travelers to/from Broward, West Palm Beach, or Dade counties:

Get up to $500 monthly subsidy from Miami-Dade


Travelers to/from Monroe Country:

Get a 50% monthly subsidy from the Florida Department of Transportation (includes fuel)

South Florida Vanpool

Commute With Us To Enjoy These Benefits:

  • I-95 & I-75 Express Lane toll exemption
  • Emergency Ride Home program: vanpool 3+ days/week and get 6 free taxi or LYFT/UBER vouchers per year for emergencies or unscheduled overtime
  • Comprehensive physical and liability insurance
  • 24/7 Roadside assistance and preventative maintenance