How do vanpool programs benefit my business?
A vanpool program can benefit your employees, your business, and the environment!
Help employees save money:
Helping employees save on their commute goes a long way when recruiting and retaining talent.
In 2024, the average Commute with Enterprise vanpool participant, who commuted 5-days/week, saved an estimated $10,000 on their ride to work1!
Local transit subsidies and tax incentives can help drive even bigger savings for your business and program participants.
Help advance corporate sustainability goals:
In 2024, Commute with Enterprise helped companies eliminate over 909, 000,000 lbs. of Co2 and remove 50,000+ vehicles from the road each workday2.
That’s the equivalent to the environmental impact of 492,000 acres (about half the area of Yosemite National Park) of forest or 142,000 recycled tons.2
Invest in your employees:
You can turn the promise of a flexible, dependable commute into a unique perk that can help your employees arrive rested and ready to take on their day.
Providing employees with access to reliable transportation choices can help expand your recruiting radius and retain talent with unique and more sustainable benefits.
1. Estimates based on 2024 Commute with Enterprise reporting. Assuming participants previously drove alone.
2. Estimates based on 2024 Commute with Enterprise reporting and U.S EPA Calculator, and assuming participants previously drove alone.