Company Calculations

  • Assumptions. we assume 20% of your employees have a commute greater than 20 miles and that 50% of those commuters would join, based on our reporting.
  • Potential Vans – Greater of current vanpools OR potential vanpoolers / Avg. # of rostered riders per van​
  • Potential Participants = (Number of Employees x .20) x .50
  • Yearly Carbon Savings = (Average Monthly Route Mileage for Enterprise Commuters/Average Vehicle MPG) x (Potential Participants - Potential Vehicles) x (Pounds of CO2 Released Per Gallon of Fuel) X 12  Independent third party verification of this claim in process.
  • Yearly Employee Savings = Potential Participants x Average Monthly Mileage of Enterprise Commuters x 12 X (AAA Operating Cost per Mile - Cost to Commute with Enterprise per mile). AAA costs are associated with operating a vehicle including fuel, maintenance, and depreciation.
  • AAA Cost to Drive Own Vehicle Per Mile – Operating costs from recent AAA Your Driving Costs study​
    • Vehicle Depreciation Costs - $0.312 per mile​
    • Fuel Costs - $0.1490 per mile​
    • Preventative Maintenance, Repairs, Tires, Etc. - $0.1013 per mile​​
  • Freed Up Parking Spots = Potential Participants – Potential Commuter Vehicles
  • Cost to Vanpool per Mile – Estimated out of pocket costs to vanpool with Commute with Enterprise​ (Fare & Taxes billed to coordinators + estimated fuel costs based on route mileage – federal benefit funding) / # of rostered riders in vanpool / monthly route mileage​

Commuter Calculations

  • AAA Cost to Drive Own Vehicle Per Mile – Operating costs from recent AAA Your Driving Costs study​
    • Vehicle Depreciation Costs - $0.312 per mile​​
    • Fuel Costs - $0.1490 per mile​​
    • Preventative Maintenance, Repairs, Tires, Etc. - $0.1013 per mile​
  • Cost to Vanpool per Mile – Estimated out of pocket costs to vanpool with Commute with Enterprise​ (Fare & Taxes billed to coordinators + estimated fuel costs based on route mileage – federal benefit funding) / # of rostered riders in vanpool / monthly route mileage​
  • Average Annual Savings per Rider ((AAA cost to drive own vehicle per mile – cost to vanpool per mile) * monthly route mileage * 12months)
  • Average Monthly Fuel Savings = Fuel Savings per Mile * Avg Mileage per Month (CWE routes)   Cost of fuel to drive your own personal vehicle as reported by AAA -Cost of fuel to ride in CWE vehicle= fuels savings.
  • Average Time Back in Riders Day – ((Monthly route mileage / (one way route distance / (route end time – route start time))) * 12 months) / 60 minutes per hour
  • Less Miles Used on Personal Car – Monthly route mileage​ *12 months
  • Co2 Reduction in LBs – Commuter Miles Saved / 25.4  Avg. MPG of vehicles * 19.357 lbs of Co2 reduced per 1 gallon of fuel burned​

3rd Party Data Sources: